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Língua de origem
Japonês 明日があるさ

Traduções concluídas
Inglês There is always tomorrow
Sueco Hej, det finns en morgondag
Língua de origem
Inglês That’s for me!
That’s for me!
That's for me/Frank Sinatra and Louis Armstrong:

I saw you standing in the sun
And you were something to see.
I know what I like, and I liked what I saw
And I said to myself "That's for me."
"A lovely morning," I remarked,
And you were quick to agree.
You wanted to walk,
And I nodded my head
As I breathlessly said "That's for me."
I left you standing under stars,
The days adventures are through.
There's nothing for me but the dream in my heart,
And the dream in my heart, that's for you.
Oh, my darling, that's for you.

That's for me/Bing Crosby:

The light-hearted gay
Kind of charm you display
That's for me.
The wonderful sly
Little trick with your eye
That's for me.
What a feather in my hat
If I could gratify your wish;
Do you like the movies,
Or what is your favorite dish?
The tilt of your chin,
When you chuckle or grin
That's for me
You might as well know
That wherever you go,
There I'll be
Just to make sure you keep your heart
Alone and fancy free.
No one else can have it; that's for me

Traduções concluídas
Sueco Det är för mig!
Língua de origem
Inglês what are you doing to me?
What are you doing to me? I can not stop thinking about you. I think about you every hour, every minute and every second. I long for you so much that my heart is hurting.

Traduções concluídas
Espanhol ¿Qué me estás haciendo?
Língua de origem
Inglês I hope to hear from you soon. All my love for you
I hope to hear from you soon. All my love for you

Traduções concluídas
Espanhol Espero...
Língua de origem
A solicitação desta tradução é "Somente o Significado".
Alemão vet inte??
Morgens, die sehr traurig sind, ganzes verlorene zu hören Ihr, hoffen, dass es feines eintägiges O.K., ist

Traduções concluídas
Sueco vet inte??
Língua de origem
Inglês Hello handsome! I send you a little movie of you...
Hello handsome! I send you a little movie of you and me. I use to watch it when I miss you to much. I hope you can see it. Talk to you soon.
"Många pussar från E." was removed from the text since it was not English. <Lilian>

Traduções concluídas
Espanhol Hola guapo! Te envío una pequeña grabación
Língua de origem
Sueco Jag förstod att du inte kunde engelska men du...
Jag förstod att du inte kunde engelska men du kanske vill skriva till mig ändå. Du kan skriva på spanska. Jag skulle vilja lära känna dig bättre och i framtiden träffa dig igen. Det var något speciellt med dig. Och jag tyckte verkligen om att dansa med dig. Hoppas du har det bra. Jag saknar dig. Jag hoppas du vill försöka hålla kontakten med mig. Vi hörs snart hoppas jag. Puss och kram från E.

Traduções concluídas
Espanhol Escríbeme en español.
Língua de origem
Inglês Say, how to Talk to Girls?
Say, how to Talk to Girls?
It is a title of a book

Traduções concluídas
Búlgaro Как аджеба да говорим с момичетата?
Francês Dites, Comment parler aux filles?
Polaco Powiedz, jak rozmawiać z ...
Sueco Säg, hur pratar man med tjejer?
Espanhol ¿Cómo hablar con las chicas?
Holandês Vertel, hoe praat je met meiden?
Português Br Diga, como falar com as garotas?
Chinês simplificado 如何与女孩交谈
Turco Söyle, kızlarla nasıl konuşulur?
Norueguês Si, Hvordan snakke til jenter
Alemão Sag´...
Islandês Mæla, hvernig á að tala við stelpur?
Russo Скажи, как разговаривать с девочками?
Checo Řekni, jak Mluvit k dívkám?
Chinês tradicional 如何與女孩交談
Romeno Spune! Cum se vorbeÅŸte cu fetele?
Finlandês Sanopa..
Grego Πως, δηλαδή, να μιλάμε με τα κορίτσια;
Tagalo Sabihin, paano Kausapin ang Mga Babae?
Português Diz, como é que se fala com as raparigas?
Tailandês เช่นว่า จะพูดกับสาวๆ อย่างไร
Árabe أخبرني كيف أتحدث مع البنات؟
Lituano Pasakyk, kaip kalbÄ—tis su merginomis?
Ucraniano Кажи, як розмовляти з дівчатами?
Croata Reci, kako rozgovarati ...
Macedônio Кажи, како да се зборува со девојки?
Língua de origem
Inglês I am glad that you told me...
I am glad that you told me a little about yourselves. I am 23 years old. I am still living with my parents. I finished my education last summer and now working with rehabilitation. I also like the beach and I like to travel, I love Tenerife and I would love to move there. You really have a big family, I just have one sister. I have some photos in facebook, have you seen them? I can send you some more if you want to? Don´t you have any pictures? I hope to see you soon. I want to be with you too.

Traduções concluídas
Espanhol Me alegro de que me hayan contado...
Língua de origem
Sueco Förra brevet blev inte så bra, hoppas du...
Förra brevet blev inte så bra, hoppas du förstår mig bättre nu.
Kan du inte berätta lite om dig själv? Jag vill veta allt om dig.
Skickar med lite minnen från vår tid tillsammans, så du inte glömmer mig, jag kommer aldrig att glömma dig.

Traduções concluídas
Inglês The last letter was not so good
Espanhol La última carta no ha sido muy buena